Esser 802379
OTBlue-LKM Serie IQ8Quad is a specially addressable IQ8Quad multisensor fire detector with integrated optical sensor and heat sensor and enhanced false alarm management. For application as air duct smoke detector in venturi air duct modules Part Nos. 781443 and 781463. The optical measurement chamber is provided with a patented developed sensor technology using a high-sensitive blue LED (instead of the commonly used red LED in Optical smoke detectors), enabling the detection of open fires, smoldering fires and fires with high heat generation.
Detector dual technology IQ8Quad – addressed.
Detection by means of new types of sensors, enabling the detection of open fires, flameless fires and fires with high heat development.
Specially addressable IQ8Quad multisensor fire detector with integrated optical sensor and heat sensor and enhanced false alarm management. For application as air duct smoke detector in venturi air duct modules Part Nos. 781443 and 781463. The optical measurement chamber is provided with a patented developed sensor technology using a high-sensitive blue LED (instead of the commonly used red LED in Optical smoke detectors), enabling the detection of open fires, smoldering fires and fires with high heat generation.
Details - OTBlue-LKM fire detector
- ★★★★★
- COD 802379
- Category Fire alarm systems
- Brand Esser